2009 Best App Ever Awards: Honoring the Best iPhone Apps and Games – Nominations Open
San Francisco, CA – Today, 148Apps announced the call for entries for the second annual Best App Ever Awards, which recognize practical, creative, technical, and whimsical achievements in iPhone applications and games. Submissions are now being accepted in 56 categories.
Created with the goal of building public awareness of the very best apps available, not just the best-selling apps, the Best App Ever Awards has a broad set of award categories covering both apps and games. The categories focus on the quality of the app design, the overall usefulness, and the fun factor.
Some of the 56 categories include:
Best Productivity Enhancer App
Best Feel Like a Local App
Best Strategy App
Best App for Parents
Best Educational App
Most Creative Use of iPhone Hardware
Best Productivity Killer App
Best Augmented Reality App
Created by 148Apps, the 2009 Best App Ever Awards are expected to greatly exceed the interest of last year’s inaugural competition, which received nearly 100,000 votes for over 1000 apps. The awards were the first iPhone OS Application achievement awards to recognize the best iPhone apps and games released in the iTunes App Store.
All app nominations must be submitted online at the Best App Ever site between through December 31, 2009. Finalists will be announced on January 1, 2010 and will include the top five popular nominees in each category, combined with 5 nominations from industry experts. Voting for these finalists will run through January 31, 2010.
The top 10 nominated iPhone apps overall will compete for the title of Best App Ever.
Winners in all categories will be announced at the 2010 MacWorld Expo in San Francisco.
The Best App Ever Awards site can be found at http://bestappever.com
About 148Apps
148Apps, a group of consumer-focused iPhone application news and review sites, launched shortly after the app store in July 2008. The site has grown quickly to reach hundreds of thousands of viewers monthly. In January 2009, 148Apps sponsored the Best App Ever Awards, the first achievement awards created specifically to honor application development on the iPhone. In May 2009, 148apps.biz launched to address the needs of iPhone app developers and other business people making a living on iPhone applications.
For more information about 148Apps, please visit http://www.148apps.com or contact Jeff Scott at jeff.scott@148apps.com

Best App Ever AwardGesucht wird die beste App aller Zeiten. Der “Best App Ever“-Award zeichnet zum zweiten Mal die beste iPhone App aus. Entwickler können ihre Apps noch bis Ende Dezember 2009 nominieren.

Am 1. Januar 2010 stehen die Finalisten fest. Jeweils fünf Apps in jeder Kategorie mit den meisten Nomierungsstimmen der Nutzer, kommen in die Endrunde. Hinzu kommen noch mal fünf Apps eine Expertenjury. Für die insgesamt zehn Apps in den 65 Kategorien können Interessierte bis Ende Januar abstimmen. Die zehn Apps mit den meisten Stimmen über alle Kategorien hinweg kommen in die Auswahl der “Best App Ever”. Die Gewinner werden während der MacWorld Expo im Februar in San Francisco verkündet.

Zu den 65 Kategorien zählen unter anderem:

  • Best Productivity Enhancer App
  • Best Feel Like a Local App
  • Best Strategy App
  • Best App for Parents
  • Best Educational App
  • Most Creative Use of iPhone Hardware
  • Best Productivity Killer App
  • Best Augmented Reality App

Bewertet werden bei einer App das Layout, die Funktionalitäten und natürlich der Fun-Faktor. 148App, Veranstalter des Awards, verzeichnete im vergangenen Jahr 100.000 Stimmen für 1.000 Apps. In diesem Jahr soll es deutlich mehr werden, also Entwickler, reicht Eure Programme ein.

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