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November 17, 2011


First and foremost all idevices don't use gorilla glass. Secondly, Apple will not let Corning state that gorilla glass is on the devices like they can with Samsung.

Another thing is this design simply will not work or help unless the glass edges are more protected. Weakest point of the glass is the edge and you'll see most breaks occur there.

Why not just use tempered glass and keep it simple?

I couldn't disagree with you more Bret. If you look at figs 1b and 1c you get that it's basically hidden until it's dropped and even then it only opens a tiny bit. It's a real effort to cushion the glass. They're being sued now and it's a bigger motivator to try and find a solution. Whether this is the only solution Apple is working on is a different matter.

Seems a way overcomplicated and inelegant solution.

Gorilla Glass, of course, is a trademark of Corning Incorporated... and is used in/on a large percentage of screens in today's portable devices. Never touted as "unbreakable", Gorilla Glass is simply many times stronger and much less scratch resistant than sodalime or borosilicate glass.

Corning would be smart to work with Apple on this project. Being able to market their glass screens with the airbag-like features presented here would benefit them both.

This is a pretty interesting and impressive use of the accelerometer.

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